
Saturday, 16 January 2016

All About Germany

There are 81.1 people in  germany
They have 10 public holidays
Ethnic mix: German,European,Other,Mix
Sports:Football,Soccor,Ice hokey,Baseket ball,Motorsports,Handball,Tennis,skiing
Image result for germany


  1. Guten tag Shailah,

    I love to see that you have posted information about Germany on your blog. It is a country that I have always found fascinating. One of my very closest friends, Katharina, is from Germany and she just moved back home after living in New Zealand for the past three years. I was so sad to see her go but it has given me the motivation that I need to travel to Germany and visit her!

    Do you know anyone who is German? I have had the pleasure of meeting many German people who have moved to NZ and they all speak very highly of their home country. It sounds like there is a lot to see and do in Germany, particularly in the city of Berlin. It used to have a large wall that ran right through the centre of the city and divided it in half. The people who lived on one side (East Germany) weren't allowed to go and visit the people who lived on the other side (West Germany). The wall was built in 1961 and taken down in 1989. Can you imagine what it would be like if we built a wall in Auckland so that people on one side couldn't visit people living on the other side? It would be quite different, wouldn't it?

    If you'd like to learn more about Berlin, or Germany in general, please log onto the Summer Learning Journey site and complete some of the weekly activities. There is information in the site about German language, German food, German sports, German movies, German politicians, etc!

    Hope to blog with you more this week:)

    Auf Wiedersehen, (That means 'good bye' in German)


  2. Good morning Shailah!

    I am writing to let you know that you are currently in third place for the Summer Learning Journey programme after the second week. All of your posts about the various countries and fun facts have earned you 28 points. Congratulations!!

    If you would like to earn even more and be in the running for second, or even, first place in the programme please log back onto the Summer Learning Journey site and blog with us. There are lots of students from around the world who would love to blog with you and I would, too!

    Hope to see you back online very soon. (The programme has 6 days left so there is plenty of time to blog and earn lots of points!)

